\n No alternatives have been added yet, click\n the add button to create an alternative. Alternatives enable your bot to respond dynamically\n to user input and in different ways.\n
\n\n \n0\">\n No conditions have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a condition for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No values have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a value for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No headers have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a header for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No Parameters have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a parameter for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No conditions have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a condition for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No headers have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a header for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No Parameters have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a parameter for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No conditions have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a condition for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No conditions have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a condition for\n this action\n
\n\n0\">\n No conditions have been added yet, click\n the add button to create a condition for\n this action\n
\n\n\n No alternatives have been added yet, click\n the add button to create an alternative. Alternatives enable your bot to respond dynamically\n to user input and in different ways.\n
\n\n \nPlease choose an intent from the drop-down
\n\nYou can upload a YAML file to quickly add intents and examples to your bot. The YAML file must be\n properly\n formatted. You can download a sample YAML file to see how it should be formatted. You can also download\n your\n current YAML file to make changes and upload it again.\n
\n\n\n\n Slots are a way for your bot to store and keep track of\n information. Use them wisely to help your bot seem more\n natural. Default slots cannot be deleted\n
\n\n\n Load your updated configurations onto your bot's different environments.\n Please test in dev before deploying to production. This will take about 5 minutes to complete.\n Separating the\n environments allows you to test your changes before deploying to production and making them live.\n
\nYour bot can speak multiple languages, just add one to continue.
Here you can test how your bot responds to your prompts in order to quickly try out your changes. You can\n switch between live and test environments easily using the selector.
\n\n\n Here are links to access your bot and connecting to various\n channels. The links with a 'dev' suffix are the development\n links while the 'prod' are the production links. Ensure that you\n only push changes to live when you have fully tested on dev\n first.\n
\nweb: {{ item }}/botapi/v1/default-channel/ask
\n\n whatsapp: {{ item }}/botapi/v1/whatsapp-channel/ask\n